Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fate: Pisces

Okay, so my research on the unique astrology connected to my birthday lead me to the knowledge of that I am a pisces. My research on a pisces character surprisingly was really accurate and close to mine. This is what it said a Pisces character was like:
  • possesses a gentle, patient, malleable nature
  • has many generous qualities, are friendly, good natured, kind and compassionate, sensitive to the feelings of those around them, and show sympathy towards others
  • are befriended with all kinds of people- partly because of their easygoing, affectionate, submissive natures offer no threat or challenge towards stronger and more exuberant characters
  • accepting of other people and their circumstances in which they find themselves rather than trying to adapt them to suit themselves, and they patiently wait for problems to sort themselves out rather than taking the initiative in solving them
  • they are more readily concerned with the problems of others rather than with their own
  • are never egotistical
  • tend to withdraw into a dream world where their qualities can bring mental satisfaction
  • are artistic and creative
So these qualities are extremely similar to mine, except for the waiting for problems to sort out for themselves. In some ways that is true for me, but I'd also much rather have problems sorted out much sooner than later. These similarities in my character compared to how they describe a Pisces character fascinates me and makes me curious as to what they describe the other traits of the Pisces to be. What I find to be pretty interesting is how it says Pisces are artistic. I've loved art ever since I knew how to use a pencil and I've decided recently to begin to embrace that talent of mine instead of pursuing other things that I may not be as good at. Also, almost everyone, even some people who don't know me, even know that I'm super caring, and compassionate, sympathetic, and how I care about other peoples problems more than my own! I thought that was insane how the Pisces qualities were able to pinpoint mine like that.

In Romeo and Juliet, reoccurring thoughts and predictions are made from the characters. Especially in act three when Romeo continuously is bringing up his death after killing Tybalt. When Romeo says "and sayest thou yet that exile is not death? Hadst thou no poison mixed, no sharp- ground knife." in 3.3,45-46 this pretty much is summing up Romeo and Juliet's death and how they die. Though this doesn't really relate to zodiac signs the zodiac signs and the characters predetermined fates relate because they both determine what will be before it happens just like the zodiac sign predicts a person character before birth.

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