What do you see when you look at this picture? A road? Hovering trees? A path way? A light leading the way off into the distance into a mysterious path? You know the saying "a pictures worth a thousand words"? Well.... it actually just depends on the picture... this picture could actually be worth much more. When I saw this picture, I thought of life. Off in the distance you see your future just ahead of you. So close, yet so far away. This reminds me of growing older, learning new things and as you get farther off into the distance, you begin to see more of what the world is truly like. Reading through my posts... there is one thing that stood out to me the most. I noticed that I mostly base my posts off of my previous life experiences and things that I've had to face throughout my life.
As I continue my journey through life, new things begin to be revealed to me making things more clear for me as time goes by. Things begin to make better sense and pieces of the puzzle begin to fit together. The books that we read throughout this year... they weren't like other books. Like Doctor Seus or anything like that. But they all truly had a deeper meaning to them all. No matter how hard you had to look to be able to find the meaning... in between those lines within the pages it's always there. These books that we read, they all showed a progression through time. Something changing about the character. Whether it was maturing, or becoming hardened to reality.
Not all posts were about the lives of characters within books though... But also showed a reflection on my life as well. Such as the posts "Memories", "My Best Friend", and "Life Lesson" where bit by bit I gave some background detail on my life. These posts as well as others such as "Fate: Pisces", and "Essay Writing" also helped to discover some of the background details about myself giving me clearer and more organized thoughts for when I express myself and my opinions instead of just following what others might say. These posts often help to show my perspective of life and how my experiences may affect my opinions when interpreting the meanings of books, passages, or poems.
All my posts ultimately gave my outlook on life through different experiences. These posts also helped me to discover new things about myself as well as how others may live their lives today. As my journey through life continues I also notice a change in the way I think and feel about specific situations. These life situations and all that people experience in daily life is what gives people their freedom of perspectives and opinions and their way of imagining a world outside their own. These posts collectively give you my opinions, and how I interpret literature through my knowledge of what's beyond the words on a printed page within a book.